Title: The Activation Controlled Galvanic Corrosion of Carbon Steel / Zinc Couple in De-aerated Stirred 0.2 N HCL
Publishers: Q. J. M. Slaiman, F. Al-Hadeethi
Journal: Journal of Saudi Chemical Society, Volume 9, Issue 2, Pages 437-448, 2005
Title: Electrodeposition of Zn-Ni-Cu Coating Layer to Protect Low Carbon Steel Against Corrosion
Publishers: M. A. Al-Rabea, F. Al-Hadeethi, A-W.K. Rajih, F. M. Hussoun
Journal: Journal of Corrosion Science & Engineering, Volume 11, 2008
Title: Modeling and Analysis of the Corrosion Behavior of Iron in Aerated 0.1N HCl, at Various Temperatures and Speed of Agitation using ANOVA and MATLAB
Publishers: A. N. Abdelhadi, G. Y. Abbasi, F. Al-Hadeethi
Journal: International Journal of Electrochemical Science, Volume 5, Pages 1665–1674, 2010
Title: Biohydrogen Production by Green Alga GAF 99 in Sea Water Bioreactor: 1. Isolation of Alga & Evaluation of Environmental Condition